Thursday, March 7, 2019

Shooting schedule

Shooting Schedule

Liam Kearney
Company: Onto Productions

Location Name/ One Line Description
Walking scene one.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney.
Approaching scene two.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney.
Back shot scene three.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney.
Invisible gate scene four.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney and Dylan Holden.
Panning shot scene five.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney and Dylan Holden.
High angle shot scene six.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney and Dylan Holden.
Protagonist looks up at the sky scene seven.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney.
Scenic shot one
Coulsdon Park
Scenic shot two.
Coulsdon Park
Liam Kearney.
Scenic shot three.
Coulsdon Park

Client and Audience needs

Client and Audience needs

We have studied on the case of our audience being that the music video is Horror themed and would appeal to a more gothic nature we have established as the following.

The first being that the audience in question would be aged from around 16 to 20s basically young adults, we say this due to the fact that the vast majority of the young audience of today are consuming a vast amount of Horror material and content. We have began to establish whom are the primary audience are. 

I have established with my team of researchers and artists and alike that we have concluded that the younger audience a more likely demographic that is attracted to the occult examples would be the like of Neo Paganism or Wiccanism which is a branch off of the former. We have established the selected narrative with its themes of the occult and its included feature being the protagonist being quite similar by characteristics to that of the Banshee being a part of ancient and pre Christian Irish folklore. We do have a variation of concepts and narratives which revolve around horror and the occult however we have established being that this was something that better fitted the younger audiences preferences. 

The Music Video has certain themes which its style is owed to other styles created and established by the following such as Marilyn Manson being the more Mainstream of our inspiration and tapped into markets as well as the more older and long time established Motorhead as well as the Infamous and perhaps quite heavily cultured inspired Burzum. 

General Marketing sources:

The Treatment

The Treatment




Program Title: Victim of Circumstance

Client: Media Committee 
Company: Onto Productions

Writer: Liam Kearney, Jenna Flood, Ben Botlander, Dylan.

Date: 18/02/19

The program will open with shots of the main protagonist lying face down on the ground after sustaining a fall which we do not see. The Protagonist stands up and begins to survey the surrounding to which he sees a cloud of smoke looming over the edge of the trees. The smoke grows to such an extent that a quarter of one shot of the scene is taken up. The Smoke begins to dissipate in concentration as a hooded ghostly figure cladded in a long dark robe appears and begins to approach the protagonist. The looming figure begins to chase the protagonist while firing streaks of fire at the protagonist during the pursuit. The protagonist in the last scene sees what appears to a black rectangle to which as a portal/escape for the protagonist as the Protagonist engages the unknown object and proceeds to jump through which ends the first setting with a mid-shot of the protagonist taking a leap of fate.

The next part starts off with a low angle shot of the protagonist emerging in a mid-angle shot in what appears to be an alleyway of a city. The protagonist the sees the same cloud of smoke emerging from what appears to be a drain. The Figure which is now the antagonist begins to pursuit the protagonist through the alleyway firing the same projectiles as earlier. Also, I must add the pursuit scene will be captured under a low angle shot while the ghostly figure pursues the protagonist. The scene comes to an end with the antagonist being halted by what appears to be dead end which will be captured with a mid-angle and a high angle shot. The protagonist turns to face the antagonist runs at the figure lunges right past the antagonist and then proceeds to run back where he came from this will all be captured by a mid-angle then followed up by a low angle shot. The character runs toward what appears to be another door going back to the original direction. The Protagonist jumps with the camera capturing a pan angle shot. The important part I must add is that the final scene will be a lot more complex and require the actor of the protagonist to engage in a routine which may physically require them to engage in a stunt routine across a gate to add for the final scene.

The Third piece will be where the protagonist jumps out and proceeds to enter what appears to be a field where the protagonists from a low angle shot is in the same position as what he was at the very beginning. The Protagonist will begin to pick himself up only to look toward the edge of the field by the old looming forests, this will follow from the beginning of what is described with a tracking shot of the character then a panoramic of the field. the ghostly figure appears yet again however this time the smoke encroach toward the protagonist. The protagonist proceeds to run towards the edge of the field where he realises that the fields exit is blocked by a gate to where he must throw himself over, The camera will focus on mid angle the pan angle then birds eye shot the back shot angle to focus on the gate and the character. As the protagonist jumps over he twists his ankle where he is unable to move back on the floor he sees the ghostly figure approach him as he sits there waiting for the figure the protagonist accepts his fate only to realise he now looks up at the looming figure that begins to reach for him until the film goes dark leaving the audience in mystery of the fate of the antagonist and protagonist. This will be carried out with a tracking shot then a low angle shot then a high angle shot for the antagonist then a final low angle shot towards the antagonist as it looms over the protagonist.

The forth and Final part will consist of the protagonist waking up in a cold sweat breathing heavily back in the protagonists room whilst trying to make of what he had witnessed in his dream he glances around which is presented in a pan angle shot and where the protagonist is displayed from a high angle shot more so the ceiling respectively speaking. The Protagonist chalking his experience to a mere dream rubs the sleep from his eyes as he does this he begins to hear a load to whistle like that of a kettle near boiling point however it is heavily distorted. The camera promptly focuses on the protagonist's face and shows that the protagonist displays a look fear as the camera pans area to face the end of the bed to only see from a wide angle shot the Antagonist appear in the great cloud of smoke emanating from its very aura. The film ends with a loud hum to completely throw off the audience to as of the real fate of the protagonist.




NAME: Liam Kearney                                                          DATE:19/02/2019


Description  / Hire company / Deposit
No of days
Shooting kits e.g Camera, tripods, Microphones

Sony PXW-Z90 Corporate Package Hire

3 Days




Sub total 1:  £119.00


Public transport, Driver rates & petrol

+ £47 fuel.


Sub total 2:  


Description  / Hire company
No of hrs
Hire of edit suite & technician
18 Hours
Suite: £495 + Vat £85


Sub total 3:  


No of hrs
For shooting
30 Hours
Camera crew: £8
Members of crew 3:
3x8x30= £720
No of hrs
For editing: Due not being able to find an expert to assist with altering and adjusting or in other word aid with editing. I have resorted to extending my requirement to be fulfilled by an expert who I am acquainted with
Hours: 8
Rate: £16
Total: £126

                                                                                                    Sub total 4:  


No of hrs
The Music Video does not have any voice over during or after for that matter.


Sub total 5:


  • You could use the rates below OR find your own rates.
  • Make sure you include any DEPOSITS or other hire requirements.  
  • Some hire companies.  To get prices for equipment:


Administrators (£7 per hr), Stationery, Telephone, Researchers (£9 per hr), Blank DVD’s/Blu Ray, Photocopying/Printing


Sub total 6:  


Sub total 1
Sub total 2
Sub total 3
Sub total 4
Sub total 5
Sub total 6


      Liam Kearney


Semiotics is defined as study of signs, symbols and behaviours to which a system and their role in the construction and definition of the meaning. Semiotics was established from the works of linguistic philosophers such as De Saussure and Pierce and more recently from the collected and established works of the Italian Philosopher of Umberto Eco.

1.      Who are the two linguistic philosophers that semiotics is established and defined by are The Italian Philosopher of Umberto Eco and the Swiss philosopher De Saussure.

2.      Which French ‘Structuralist’ recently developed this media concept? Lévi-Strauss was a French philosopher who established the Structuralist movement which influenced thinkers such as Louis Althusser, the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, as well as the structural philosophy of Nikos Poulantzas.

3.      The two methods 

1.      Describing the TEXT is called Textual Analysis

2.      Myths and associations with the TEXT is called “ Signs contributing Ideology”

4.     The quest at the heart of the semiotic approach is the study of the most important feature of the human state of mind and line of thought. With the capacity for creating and manipulating signs such as texts and symbols for thinking, communicating, conveying, transmitting, with the most important in the preservation of knowledge.

5.      The factor used to identify media texts in semiotics would be Symbols and how they would hold value depending towards there intended audience and the surrounding context relating to said symbol. An example in the line of consumerism are the Golden arches of McDonalds and how they are recognised world-wide as a symbol being the relation of the fast food chain. Another example linking more into the social sphere would be the Cross of Christ and how that is a universal symbol for Christianity or any branch of the Abrahamic faith. These symbols being used in media can vary in the context more so for the later, however for the first the association of the symbol only relates to the context of the consumer drive for fast-food and the mass marketing of the brand in the western and even the social sphere worldwide.

6.      The word that is given out for Open texts is the word “Sign” or is broken down into the two known as the “Signified” and “Signifier” depending on the context and the direction of the analysis.

7.       Popular and mass culture e.g. mass media texts are known as Dominant culture texts. Which would reflect to the behaviours of the Mainstream and what is considered common behaviour in the media an example in the line of the social and public sphere would be trends that are influence by the medias mainstream function in the line of the Dominant culture.

8.      Semiotics would determine that it would a phenomenon of direct contact which would use media that would allow the means for where words, captions or logos are used to direct a reader towards a particular meaning.

9.      “Agenda setting” is when a text prefers one particular meaning.  These can be a result of media producers’ agendas and assumptions.

10.   Define Stuart Hall’s THREE main types of audience decoding.

1.      DOMINANT: The reader fully accepts the text believing it without question and in the way the manner that the publisher and the writer intended them to interpret it as.

2.      NEGOTIATED: The reader partly believes and is partly critical of the text as a whole in the reading of the code, while at the same time the reader broadly accepts the intended interpretation of the text, however may modify the text to modify it in a manner that would corelate to their own world view which would tie to their own experiences, positions and interests.

3.      OPPOSITIONAL: The reader becomes or is highly sceptical of the text and is highly critical or if not out and out rejects the intended reading of the text and its intended message thus being sceptical of the text in it for the most or in its entirety.

11.   How media texts speak to an audience is known as” Direct mode of Address”

Describe how this is applied to FILMS and TELEVISION: This is applies through television with the likes of the News when the news anchor is talking directly to the audience, or to the likes of shows such as “Good morning Britain” this would be in the line of the Television in where the Audience is receiving their message through the means of “Direct mode of address”. Another case would be Films such as Wayne’s World of 1992 in where the Wayne would make direct but subtle messages to the audience an example would be the” I Will Not Bow to Any Sponsor” scene where Wayne is shown to display a variety of Brands while trying to disapprove of Media sponsorship of consumer goods acting as an Ironic twist with the message directed towards the audience however not so directly as the following however. The Second would be the film by Charlie Chaplin known as “The Great Dictator” towards the end the Dictators doppelganger (Henkel) makes a speech what is dubbed by the scene and the speech as the “Dictators final speech”  in where (Henkel) makes a speech denouncing the evils of the world in perhaps quite a dramatic and an emotional speech which is directed towards more then the fictional audience of the film with the intention of communicating to the audience.

12.   Define what the MALE GAZE is the Media term for how men would view women and example of this would be the magazine “Playboy” which is a degenerate publication that portrays women as sexualised objects and only focuses on the physical characteristics and attributes which would appeal to the male audience due to men being driven by the attraction by force of primal nature, which this magazine exploits with the knowing of the full intention. Another example is a highly debated issue would be the “Stay at Home Housewife” which was something that the media and more over society focuses and held as a standard that women should follow this line of lifestyle, many feminists and (Progressives) believe that this devalues women and confines them to a stereotypical place of serving the man and not in any way of being “Impowering” this type of media was mostly in circulation from the earliest times up until the 70s and 80s where the remnants of this media phenomena was extinguished from the mainstream.

13.   What is Semiotics?

1.      How could you apply this to a MUSIC VIDEO: You could apply this to a music video, for example if you had a message you could include political symbols, religious symbols, or even consumer symbols. However, the general context to the symbols and the use of the presentation of such. An example Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” where there is a consistent display of consumer goods such as Kraft, Beats by Dre and Chevrolet to name a few. The Music Video itself is nothing more than one glorified commercial however the fact that this is a music video is however though deceiving however very clever in the sense that it uses music to glorify the commercial as whole. Another effective example of having a message in a music video that being a politics or a social matter this being one of Eminem’s most infamous “The Storm” in where Eminem goes after Trump by calling him out and highlighting a lot of the controversial statements and policies of the U.S President. This generated a lot of controversy however this was effective in its sense of raising awareness on certain matter and the state of the country.

Links in relation to my sources.

Music Videos and sources to Visual media in relation to the Document.

 Eminem’s “The Storm”

Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”

Film and example pieces in relation to the Document

Wayne’s World “I Will Not Bow to Any Sponsor”

The Great Dictator “Final Speech”

26.3 Film Production Publicity Pack

BTEC Assignment Brief Assignment title 26.3 Film Production   Publicity Pack ...